
Talent Strategy

Talent Strategy for Sales Sales Performance Management (SPM) applications should play a central role in how organizations optimize their sales teams. However, running consistent and standardized processes across sales teams is challenging. Standard merit and annual...

Integrated Incentive Compensation Management for Insurance | OS

Integrated Incentive Compensation Management for Insurance Run an effective ICM program that meets short-term and long-term needs. TALK TO AN EXPERT Gain confidence to solve any distribution management challenge. A sound insurance distribution management strategy...
Automated Incentive Compensation Management for Med Tech | OS

Automated Incentive Compensation Management for Med Tech | OS

Automated Incentive Compensation Management for Med Tech Leverage a solution that solves current state issues and articulates future state needs. TALK TO AN EXPERT Evaluate your sales strategies with an effective SPM program. Over the past few years, the medical...

Sales Performance Management Across Industries | OpenSymmetry

Sales Performance Management Across Industries Incentive compensation applies to any industry, anywhere. TALK TO AN EXPERT Sales compensation programs are tied to the bottom line. According to IRF, 90% of top performing companies leverage incentive programs to reward...