
Sales Comp Peer Feedback

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Learn how organizations similar to yours achieve excellence by collaborating with industry peers to discover ways to overcome challenges, discuss innovative solutions, and drive organizational growth.

“This group allows us to share great ideas, get to know each other, and make each other better at our jobs.”

– Donya Rose

“Working with this team will help to ideate, share lessons learned, and then brainstorm ways to improve in this complex space.”

– Jim Matthews

“This network allows us to build to relationships with other folks that know where you’re coming from.”

– Christoper Goff

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Ready to start your journey to a world-class SPM solution?


OpenSymmetry is a global consulting company that specializes in the planning, implementation and management of SPM solutions supported by the industry’s leading technology suppliers. OpenSymmetry enables its clients to achieve greater operational efficiency and get better sales results.

OS Careers

OpenSymmetry is so much more than a company – we are the sum total of our people who we collectively refer to as the OS Tribe. Our tribe is composed of problem solvers and trailblazers from a variety of backgrounds who are always looking for ways to make things easier, faster, and better – all while having some fun along the way. Want to join the OS Tribe? Check out our open positions.