Sales Performance Management in Financial Services
This webcast focuses on how common issues and risks related to sales compensation management and how high performing firms address these challenges.
Why Sales Performance Management is Critical to Financial Services
Financial services and banking sectors rely on incentive compensation to drive performance and achieve growth goals. Unlike some other industries, however, financial services firms face complicated and changing regulatory requirements. Couple these regulatory requirements with rapid organic growth and substantial M&A activity, and it’s easy to see why sales performance management (SPM) and incentive compensation remain central challenges for growth leaders.
This webcast focuses on common issues and risks related to sales compensation management and how high performing firms address these challenges. Within the context of this discussion, we will show examples of where automation has been instrumental in helping companies achieve their SPM-related goals:
- Review of common challenges and risks within SPM related to the financial industry (e.g., conduct risk and regulatory compliance).
- Best practices employed by financial firms related to resolving SPM challenges and mitigating risks.
- Examples of how SPM technology Varicent was applied to facilitate desired program goals.
Curious to learn more? Read our blog: Sales Performance Management in Financial Services – Webinar Recap

About Us
OpenSymmetry enables clients to achieve greater operational efficiency and get better sales results. We are a global consulting company specializing in the planning, implementation, and optimization of industry leading technology suppliers of sales performance management solutions.